Art works are all strictly originals and unique one offs, offering concepts of interest, texture, colour to harmonize with current design trends at a realistic cost.
Generally art work is commissioned, there are however many pieces within the gallery or very similar to, in stock at all times. Bespoke art can be produced specifically to your personal requirements for any space, composition and colour scheme you have in mind. It is normally necessary to arrange a full brief, comprising cost, time scale, size, colour and design aspect prior to accepting a design proposal, please contact me in order to obtain further information or to begin this dialogue.
Prices for the paintings and sculptures generally range from £250 - £1,500.
Works are generally produced on MDF flat board for externally sourced framing. The majority of art available in the current gallery are on board or within frames. Various pieces are produced on box mount or on glass, most commissioned art can be offered in all formats subject to discussion. Work ordinarily produced with "3D features" can be created with a flat finish if required to be so for glass framing.